Goodbye Junior Year.
Saturday, March 31, 2007 1 comments

Ahh, my blog is finally back from the dead. How I hate that evil girl who stole my blog. I don't think she's even using it. She might've done that just because she's a psychotic online freak.

Seems like everyone's busy with graduation. *Congrats to those who graduated this year.* Me? I'm anticipating the hustle and bustle of senior high school life in a few months. My third year life was just like a one-minute commercial that passed by. While things were happening in my daily life, everything was like a blur until the picture of my last year in high school is slowly becoming clearer.

And I'm a bit scared.

I know I shouldn't be, because if I really want to pass the university of my dreams, then I must not be such a pessimist. This is the part where I reminisce, and the regret comes in. Why was I so carefree during my first three years of high school? I mean, I got good grades, I'm not such a bad student, but I don't really take my studying seriously. How could I have missed the bigger picture? About college? Will I still pass UP?

Oh great. I said it. I'm not scared, I'm worried pala. Then I talked to my mom a few weeks ago regarding this, and sinabi nya nga na kung gusto ko talagang pumasa, itigil ko yung kakadiscourage ko sa sarili ko.

I know she's right, and now that its summer, I know it won't be too late. I'll be keeping busy and I would still be studying so I have better chances of passing. Right now, God is not giving me other options but the UP campuses, so I guess I'd better take that as a sign that I should work my butt off and trust in Him.

This blog is new, because for some reason, someone hacked my most recent journal. Hate it.
Anyway,I insist that you leave your mark here. Everything here is mine otherwise stated. Kapeesh?
the author
Patricia | 15 | Christian | gemini | weirdo | geek |
silent | opinionated | versatile | open-minded
unity in diversity | freedom of expression
pizza | Dr. Pepper | Grey's Anatomy | drums

link xchnge

Ask whatever you wish [John 15:7]
As much as you need [2 Cor 2:16]
For the Lord is good [Nah 1:7]
Trust in Him [Ps 91:2]
Don't be afraid, just believe [Mark 5:36]
And you will receive [Matthew 7:8]

long time ago
March 2007
April 2007

lyrics: getty