SE K608i (2006-2007)
Tuesday, April 3, 2007 0 comments

Actually wala pa siyang one year, almost a year old pa lang ang beloved cellphone ko. And now its gone.

Today is RSHS III's 10th commencement exercises. Since I'm a cadette, me and the others had a part in the grad: cross-sword. Our things are in the backstage of the Subic Bay Arts Center. My friend asked me if she could text someone before the program started, I told her to get my fone in my bag. When she came back, I asked if she placed it back, she was positive that she returned my fone. But after we did the cross-sword, when I checked my bag..there was NOTHING.

It kept ringing, even after I came home. I'm hoping its still out there somewhere...


This blog is new, because for some reason, someone hacked my most recent journal. Hate it.
Anyway,I insist that you leave your mark here. Everything here is mine otherwise stated. Kapeesh?
the author
Patricia | 15 | Christian | gemini | weirdo | geek |
silent | opinionated | versatile | open-minded
unity in diversity | freedom of expression
pizza | Dr. Pepper | Grey's Anatomy | drums

link xchnge

Ask whatever you wish [John 15:7]
As much as you need [2 Cor 2:16]
For the Lord is good [Nah 1:7]
Trust in Him [Ps 91:2]
Don't be afraid, just believe [Mark 5:36]
And you will receive [Matthew 7:8]

long time ago
March 2007
April 2007

lyrics: getty